- What are your hours?
The Columbia County Department of Health (CCDOH) is open Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. In the event of an after-hours emergency, please contact the Columbia County Sheriff’s Department at (518) 828-3344.
- Where are you located?
The Health Department is located at 325 Columbia Street, Hudson, NY 12534, in the Columbia County Human Services building. The Health Department is located on the first floor (lower level beneath the building lobby).
- Do you take credit and debit cards?
We accept payment by cash, check, money order, and credit card.
- What are your clinic hours?
Our free and confidential Sexually Transmitted Disease clinic is open every Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Immunization clinics are offered every Tuesday from 1 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. We also offer evening immunization clinics on select Tuesday’s of every month between the hours of 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Please call our office for appointments: (518) 828-3358, option 4.
- Do I need an appointment for the clinics?
Appointments are needed for the immunization clinics only. Please contact the Health Department at (518) 828-3358, option 4, to schedule your appointment.
- What about flu clinics?
We provide influenza vaccine during our regular Tuesday immunization clinics by appointment. We also have a schedule of community flu clinics every September and October. For the current community flu clinic schedule click here.
- Do you offer PPDs?
Yes. Please contact the Health Department to schedule an appointment.
- How can I get a copy of my immunization records?
If you are unable to access your records from your primary care provider and you received your immunizations in New York State, the Health Department may be able to assist you. Please contact (518) 828-3358, option 4.
- Where can I get travel vaccines for international travel?
While the Columbia County Department of Health does offer some routine travel immunizations, you may require additional vaccines based on your dates of travel and destination, which we do not offer. The Rensselaer County Department of Health, (518) 270-2647, and the International Travel Health Consultants office in Poughkeepsie, NY, (844) 872-8362, offer comprehensive travel vaccine consultation and immunizations. If you have questions about the vaccines offered at CCDOH, please call us at (518) 828–3358, option 4.
- What type of testing is offered at the STD clinic hours?
We can test for Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis and HIV.
- When can I expect my test results?
Your results will be given at a follow-up appointment the week after your testing.
- Can I be seen outside STD clinic hours?
Our Nurse Practitioner is only available on Wednesdays between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. Please contact the Columbia Memorial Health Emergency Department, Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood at (518) 434-5678, your local urgent care center, or Greene County Family Planning at (518)719-3580 if you need to see someone right away.
- I can’t afford vaccinations; can you help me?
CCDOH does offer a free vaccine program for children and adults without insurance. Please contact our clinic for more information.
- Do you take insurance?
CCDOH accepts most insurances, including CDPHP, Fidelis, MVP, Highmark, Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield, Medicare, and Medicare Advantage plans with Fidelis, MVP, CDPHP, Aetna, and United Healthcare. Please call our office for further information.
- Can you help me get health insurance?
If you are interested in signing up for health insurance, please contact the Healthcare Consortium at (518) 822-8820.
- Do you provide physicals?
CCDOH does not provide physicals. You can contact Sun River Health Hudson at (518)751-3060 or Columbia Memorial Health’s Find a Doctor directory to find a primary care provider.
- Do you offer DNA testing?
CCDOH does not provide DNA testing.
- Is my old Board of Health approval letter still valid?
According to CCDOH’s policy for approvals that are over two years old, the approval remains valid under the following conditions only: a record exists confirming the area where the soil testing was completed; the approved area is located on a legibly scaled survey map; there is existing approval correspondence from our agency; and the approved site or area remains undisturbed.
- Does my property have Board of Health approval?
Please complete our Record Search Application and submit the completed application along with the required fee (check, cash or money order) at our offices during businesses hours or by mail.
- Where can I get a copy of a birth or death certificate?
CCDOH does not issue birth or death certificates. Death certificates may be obtained from the local town hall where the deceased lived. Birth certificates for individuals born in the City of Hudson can be obtained through the City of Hudson Office of Vital Records at (518) 828-1030. Birth certificates for Columbia County residents outside of Hudson may be obtained through the New York State Department of Health Bureau of Vital Statistics website or by calling (877) 854-4481. You can also access copies of death certificates through this website.
- Are pregnancy tests & family planning services available?
CCDOH does not offer family healthcare. You can contact Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood, Greene County Family Planning, or Columbia Memorial Health’s Find a Doctor. We do offer condoms free of charge to the public at our front desk reception window.
- I want info on medical marijuana or who licensed providers are?
Information about medical marijuana can be found at the New York State Department of Health Medical Marijuana Program website.
- Do you offer rabies clinics?
CCDOH offers free rabies clinics for cats, ferrets and dogs at least 3 months of age (donations are accepted). Please check our events calendar for upcoming rabies clinics.
- I found a pet with a rabies tag; how do I find the owner?
If you have found a lost pet with a rabies tag issued by our Health Department, please contact us at (518) 828-3358 and provide the ID number on the tag. We will be happy to look up the record and contact the pet’s owner on your behalf.
- What should I do if I suspect an animal of having rabies?
Please do not touch or allow any bystanders or pets to come into contact with a suspected rabid animal. Contact the Health Department of (518) 828-3358. If you, a family member or a pet have come into contact with a wild animal, it is necessary for you to seek medical attention and contact the Health Department.
- I found a bat in my house. What should I do?
If you have found a dead or live bat in your sleeping quarters or home, do not remove the animal. Please contact the Health Department at (518) 828-3358. You can also view this helpful video provided by the New York State Department of Health.
- Can I have my water tested?
We provide water bottle test kits, including instructions, from Capital Region Environmental Laboratory in Rensselaer. The test kits can be picked up at the Health Department during our regular office hours. The kits must be delivered to the Capital Region Environmental Lab within 30 hours of sampling. There are fees associated with testing which vary depending on the type of test you want. You can contact the lab directly at (518) 949-2020 for further information.
- I have a complaint about a restaurant or grocery store.
Restaurant complaints can be directed to the CCDOH Environmental Health division at (518) 828-3358, option 3. Complaints about grocery stores are handled by the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets.
- I have a complaint about a hospital, nursing home, or doctor.
All complaints can be directed to the appropriate office at the New York State Department of Health. Hospital complaints can be made by contacting (800) 804-5447; nursing home patient care complaints can be made by calling (888) 201-4563; and complaints about physicians can be made by contacting the Office of Professional Medical Conduct at (800) 663-6114.
- Where can we get elderly home care & home nursing services?
The Columbia County Department of Health’s Certified Home Health Agency closed in 2016. For skilled nursing visits please contact the Eddy Visiting Nurses, (518) 274-6200, or the Visiting Nurses Association (VNA) of Albany, (518) 489-2681.
- Do you test ticks for Lyme disease?
CCDOH does not offer testing of ticks. If you find a tick attached to yourself or a family member, and you develop a rash or flu-like symptoms you should contact your primary care provider. Further information, including information or tick-borne disease prevention and the proper way to remove a tick, can be found at https://www.health.ny.gov/diseases/communicable/lyme/ or https://www.cdc.gov/lyme/removal/index.html.
- Do you offer CPR training?
We do not offer CPR training. To find a training location near you, please contact the Red Cross or the American Heart Association.
- How can I dispose of old medication or syringes?
The Hannaford Grocery stores in Valatie and Livingston, and Hudson Police Department have syringe drop-off kiosks. Out of date or unused medications can be dropped off at the following Columbia County locations: Columbia County Sheriff’s Office, Columbia County Sheriff’s Substation, Columbia Memorial Health Emergency Department, Chatham Police Department, and Hudson Police Department.
- Where can I seek help for Opioid addiction?
Columbia County offers a number of resources for individuals and their loved ones who are struggling with Opioid addiction. For a full list of resources in Columbia and Greene Counties, please visit the Columbia-Greene Addiction Coalition.
- How is my fee to operate calculated?
- What is the explanation of worker's compensation and disability?
- Where can I find career opportunities in Columbia County?
For career opportunities, please visit the Columbia County Human Resources and Payroll Department website at https://humanresources.columbiacountyny.com/career-opportunities
- Where can I find information related to the Columbia County Corporate Compliance Program?