Environmental Health
The Environmental Health Division issues food service permits, conducts restaurant inspections, ensures public water safety, conducts lead poisoning prevention and injury prevention activities, responds to hazardous materials spills, conducts children’s camp and pool inspections, and more. Find applications for permits for food service and sewage disposal, along with workers comp and disability insurance requirements and information on the Healthy Neighbors Program and lead poisoning prevention.
The Environmental Health Division provides many regulatory programs to follow New York State Sanitary Code. The Division enforces the Adolescent Tobacco Use Prevention Act (ATUPA) and the Clean Indoor Air Act. It issues food service permits, conducts restaurant inspections, ensures public water safety, conducts lead poisoning prevention and injury prevention activities, responds to hazardous materials spills, conducts children’s camp and pool inspections, and more.
Permit applications and reference materials pertinent to Environmental Health issues are available at the bottom of this page. Please reference NY State Food Service Regulations at the bottom of this page.