Medication Drop Boxes
Anyone can deposit discontinued, expired or unwanted medications, especially controlled substances. First…Safeguard your medications…Second…dispose of the ones that are no longer needed or outdated. No Questions asked and No Paperwork required. Just put your medications in these boxes, including prescription narcotics.
Rising Abuse.
Prescription drug abuse has increased and even surpassed the use of most illicit drugs. Overdoses have taken lives.
Adults, Teens and Kids.
Adults, teens and even kids at younger ages abuse drugs. Many teens consider prescription and over-the-counter medications as party drugs. Parents are not aware that their own medicine cabinets are often the sources of these drugs.
Private Households only.
The drop boxes are for private households only. They are not intended for use by pharmacies or veterinarians. Please do NOT use the boxes for … syringes, IV bags, bloody or infectious waste, inhalers, soaps and shampoos, empty containers, or trash.
Environmentally Safe.
The medications will be properly incinerated at a licensed facility. People should not flush unused drugs because that pollutes the water supply and throwing them into the garbage makes it an easy target for thieves and pets.